How Search Works?

How Search Works: A Conceptual Deep Dive into My Custom Search Algorithm

Hey there, fellow developers and tech enthusiasts! Today, I want to take you behind the scenes of one of the most crucial features in many of my projects: the search functionality. If you’ve ever wondered how search algorithms work or how to approach implementing an efficient search in your own projects, you’re in for a treat. Let’s dive into the concepts and ideas that power my search function.

The Problem: Fuzzy Searching Across Multiple Data Types

In many of my applications, I deal with various types of data - projects, social media links, achievements, and more. I needed a search function that could:

  1. Handle different types of data efficiently
  2. Perform fuzzy matching (to account for typos or partial matches)
  3. Rank results based on relevance
  4. Be fast and scalable

Let’s break down how I approached solving this problem.

The Solution: A Custom Fuzzy Search Algorithm

Step 1: Data Structure

First, I needed a flexible data structure to represent various types of content. Think of it as a blueprint that includes fields like:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Year
  • Keywords
  • And other relevant fields depending on the content type

This flexible structure allows the search to handle everything from project descriptions to social media links.

Step 2: Fuzzy Matching

The core of the search functionality lies in fuzzy matching. I implemented two main algorithms for this:

  1. Levenshtein Distance: This algorithm calculates how different two strings are by counting the minimum number of single-character edits required to change one word into another.

    Pseudo-code idea:

    function levenshteinDistance(string1, string2):
      // Create a matrix of distances
      // Fill the matrix based on character comparisons
      // Return the bottom-right cell of the matrix
  2. Jaccard Similarity: This algorithm compares the similarity of two sets of words by looking at the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the word sets.

    Pseudo-code idea:

    function jaccardSimilarity(string1, string2):
      // Convert strings to sets of words
      // Calculate intersection and union of these sets
      // Return size of intersection / size of union

These algorithms allow the search to find matches even when the search query isn’t an exact match.

Step 3: Scoring System

The heart of the search function is the scoring system. Each potential match is given a score based on various factors:

Pseudo-code idea:

function calculateScore(searchString, item):
  score = 0
  if exactMatch(item.title, searchString):
    score += 100  // High bonus for exact title match
  score += partialMatchScore(item.title, searchString)
  score += descriptionMatchScore(item.description, searchString)
  score += keywordMatchScore(item.keywords, searchString)
  // Add more scoring rules for other fields
  return score

Higher weights are given to matches in more important fields (like title) and exact matches. This ensures that the most relevant results appear at the top.

Step 4: Searching Across Different Content Types

One of the challenges was searching across different types of content (projects, social links, etc.). The solution involves iterating through all content types:

Pseudo-code idea:

function searchAllContent(searchString, data):
  results = []
  for each contentType in data:
    for each item in contentType:
      score = calculateScore(searchString, item)
      if score > 0:
        results.add({item: item, score: score, type: contentType})
  return results

This approach allows the search to look through all content types efficiently.

Step 5: Ranking and Returning Results

Finally, the results are sorted based on their scores and the top N matches are returned:

Pseudo-code idea:

function getTopResults(results, n):
  sortedResults = sortByScore(results)
  return topN(sortedResults, n)

Special consideration is given to always include social links and prioritize project results, as these are often the most relevant to users.

The API Endpoint

To make this search function accessible, an API endpoint is created:

Pseudo-code idea:

function handleSearchRequest(request):
  query = getQueryParameter(request)
  n = getNumberOfResultsParameter(request)
  results = searchAllContent(query, globalData)
  topResults = getTopResults(results, n)
  return formatAsJsonResponse(topResults)

This allows other parts of the application (or even external services) to use this search functionality.


Implementing a custom search function was a challenging but rewarding experience. It allowed me to create a tailored solution that perfectly fits my needs. The combination of fuzzy matching algorithms, a custom scoring system, and efficient data handling results in a powerful and flexible search functionality.

Remember, this is just one approach to implementing search. Depending on your specific needs, you might want to explore other algorithms or even consider using dedicated search engines for larger-scale applications.

Happy coding!